Thursday, July 29, 2010

In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.

From an old friend, and when i say old i mean he is older than me by maybe a month and when i say friend i mean i met him while consuming big girl beverages at a little festival we like to call veisha, where you check your attitudes at the door, and pick up your dignity on the way out. We stumbled across one another while playing the world's largest game of 'bucket' pong, getting all nasty and dirty from these sick dirty buckets of water. We played about 4 times. These gentlemen stroll our way in hopes of giving it a try with the line "we're from kansas, we've never seen anything like this before" i'm sure thats not the only thing that makes that list, being from kansas. We happily oblige, one has a newsies cap on, i dig it, and the other is a smart ass, i dig that too. We play and chat, chat and play, and as friendships start to form we realize we can all hang like bananas, we take a load off in the nearest chair to people watch the party getting busted two doors down and all the loose women walk high 1 pm....on a gravel road. We get a good laugh or seven, exchange numbers and let bygons be bygons. Last night while committing my life to my internship i took a quick facebook break ( you know you do it too ) I stumbled across this new inbox declaration:

Tonite i was getting ready for bed at about 10 pm after getting my ass kicked by a macroeconomics test, which was completed poorly after too many hours workin the 9-5, and i started thinking about happy thoughts- aka partying at school in three weeks, road trips, and meeting new people.

I hop on facebook after reading a quote i still have in my phone from you (see: bottom of page) and check out people who i had met on road trips, most who's lives i really dont give a shit about, when i came across yours- and remembered how different you were from everyone else Josh and I met at veishea.

I see a little blogspot link, think to my self, "self, i wonder what the hell Mom Meg is blogging about?" and I am really glad I checked it out. I read the most recent five posts on your page and absolutely LOVED it. I am so happy that you actually take the time out of your day to write down your thoughts.

Nowadays almost everyone I meet is in such a goddam hurry to get to the next item on their agenda that no one gives themselves the "me-time" that we all deserve and need to stay sane. Your pictures and captions are great- i hope (i kinda know) they are a reflection of you. The whole page just made my day and inspired me enough to write a note to a girl i knew for four hours one day in the spring (you). It makes me want to write down my thoughts for whatever random friend/enemy/stranger/future me might come across them and completely make their day. The blogs remind me of bro-time with our friend Josh Farley- When we do nothing but relax (work out, drink beer, whatever we are doing at the moment) and talk about our thoughts without care for who hears them or what else is going on in the world.

Anyways, before i ramble too long, i basically wanna say that your writing is awesome, please continue. You've got a bookmark on my Safari Web Browser (TM) and that I cant wait to come to Iowa state this year to come hang out with you and other random friends - even if i only know them for minutes.

love, Son

your ever-inspiring quote
"I can't talk and watch douches at the same time."- Meg Sweeney

hell yes.

I should probably take the time to clarify the mom, son thing right now. This was his best attempt at a pick up line, before he realized i'm not pick up-able, "hey do you have blue eyes? Because they look like my moms". Now maybe there were too many beverages consumed to properly piece that statement together, but from my standpoint, any which way you throw that one, you're guaranteed a failure, but a good laugh. There it stood us now being mom and son.
So son, my words to you, thanks for not chalking me up as someone you don't give a shit about, thank you for playing dirtball buckets with us and realizing we're nothing like the others, also thank you for taking any and all sexual tension out of the air for everyone in a five mile radius. Your carefree living and whimsical attitude i saw that day inspires me to try everyday to replicate what you do and the adventures you get yourselves into. Thanks to you Matt for being a refreshing breeze in the midst of a douche storm.

Be Well. Be Beautiful.

Team Chest Hair in Too Close Beer Pong.

Mom & Son

Just Sayin'

Motion. Photography.

Dirt Ball Buckets

Mom in her Finest Hour.

Definition : Quit While You're Ahead.


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